Spread the news

Share the existence of this website with your network. There are resources here that prospective graduate students will find helpful, for instance, how to ace the standard exams, news of MSc/PhD openings in schools, preparing a competitive application package and so on.

Also, when the application window opens, you can help spread the news. The 2024 scholarship application window will run from June 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM GMT and close on June 29, 2024 at 12:00 PM GMT. We wish all applicants best of luck!


There are plenty of opportunities to serve. From writing or editing content, to keeping this site updated, to maintaining our social media presence, the need for volunteers has never been greater. No advanced skill set is required beyond basic writing skills and ability to navigate social media. If you can commit a few hours a week for at least three consecutive months to helping, please contact us.

Become a mentor

Mentoring is a key part of our offer. Most of our current mentors have undertaken the very journey these students are about to embark on. ALL our mentors lead happy, successful lives and are passionate about seeing individuals grow to live out their potentials. They celebrate their mentees and champion their cases. They act as role models; someone their mentees can seek to become.

Because we have expanded their role beyond the original narrow scope of exam coaching, mentors do not necessarily need to possess an advanced degree from a European/North American school but they need to know enough about the graduate school application process to be helpful. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact us.


We run on donations. We have no paid staff. Your money goes into finding bright but indigent students and rewarding their hard work with a scholarship. You can give online.